Do you Know Procedure of Property Registration in India? Let’s Find Out 7 Easiest Steps with #Drapearc

Registration completes means you are a common ownership of your property. Therefore, it is important that you understand the procedure thoroughly before you change to new Location.
Here are the steps to follow for registration of your property, become a lawful possessor of your Own Property:

1.       First identified the circle rate of your area because your stamp duty will be calculated on the basis of circle rate. According to the rate of area Fixed the value of your property. Circle rate must be keeping in mind…
2.       Another requires points need to know that you must buy non-judicial stamp paper of the value after calculating the stamp duty. This is collected on the basis of property value at the time of registration. This amount varies from state to state and also property type - old or new. Before finalizing your property deal, you must know about this cost.
3.       The stamp papers are prepared by putting in writing all details about the property and the property transaction. The subject matter varies from transaction to transaction.
4.       The Property buyer needs to go the Sub-Registrar's Office with two witnesses to finish the registration procedure in India.
5.       All parties who the buyer and the seller involved in the registration process must carry their documents including photos, identity proof, and the relevant property papers.
6.       At the time of registration, ensure that your name, address and other details are printed correctly. Joint owners, whose names are mentioned in the property, should be present at the time of registration. These days you need to just go to the lawyer's office that your builder has appointed for you and complete the process. The cost may be higher but it is a smooth process.
7.       Once the sale deed is registered you will get a receipt of the payment you have made. This receipt will help you collect the sale deed within the next 10-20 days.
So, the next time does not miss out on these 7 steps of property registration procedure in India. Because property registration is a legal procedure to be followed in any metro and towns in India.
#DRAPEARC Belief: - Our vision is to be a reliable service provider and build trust with owners in the long term. To meet this vision, we have an expert lawyer on our panel who prepares the document of your property on your behalf.
Our motto is very clear, Good SERVICE, and SATISFACTION
#DRAPEARC Notes: -  Drarc Developer PVT LTD. If you want to get Genuine Property Drape arc help you to find out. and also, help you to reduce your litigation works with Our Legal Consultant Services.

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